Welcome To Our Website
On-line services:
We are now holding
Sunday Worship Services at the church and online via "Zoom" for those who cannot attend in person. Also Wedensday night meetings are held in Zoom. Zoom is a video
conferencing service which brings a live event to your laptop or
smartphone. Click on the following link:
ID 240 103 5064 Password: Canmore
Services are on Sundays at 11:00 AM and on Wednesday at 7:00 PM
If you need help, please send an email to webmaster@smokylakebaptist.ca and we will assist you. Sermons will continue to be posted on the Website weekly when we can.
As Senior Pastor and on behalf of the family of the First Baptist Church, I want to thank you for visiting our website. At the First Baptist Church, we believe God calls each of us to be engaged in a passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ. There is no higher calling than to seek the Lord with all your heart, and in so doing, to glorify Him. We welcome you to join us in this pursuit. The fact that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and then rose from the grave is our fundamental belief. He lives today and stands ready to give abundant and eternal life to all those who repent of sin and place their faith in Him. We invite everyone to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
What a joy it is to introduce you to our church! At the First Baptist Church, our doors are wide open to people from all backgrounds, regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.
One of life’s most beautiful words is ‘family’. At the First Baptist Church, we take seriously the Bible’s teaching that Christians are the family of God and therefore brothers and sisters in Christ. As a “family of faith” we seek to worship and serve God, share the good news of the gospel message, and provide the spiritual environment necessary for the believer’s spiritual growth.
In short, you will find us to be a God centered, caring community of individuals who are excited about having the opportunity to extend to you the same love, hope and joy we have received from the Lord. We extend to you a cordial invitation to join us this coming Lord’s Day as the family meets to draw near to God through prayer, thoughtful contemporary songs, traditional hymns and inspiring relevant messages from God’s Word. After the worship service we linger over refreshments, so please take a moment to get to know us better. God bless you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Pastor Keith Axford
The sermon for Sunday, November 10, 2024 is posted . This and previous sermons can be played back from the Website.
This Week in Our Church
Today – Sunday School for ages 4 and older.
Nursery available for the little ones.
Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. – Bible Study at the church. Info: Donna @ 780-636-3900.
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. – Midweek Service on Zoom.
Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – Alpha at the Whitelaws’. Also available on Zoom. Contact Ross at 780-656-3532 or 780-714-0472.
Please Also Note
The beautiful quilts that are on display downstairs are for sale. 50% of the proceeds will go to the Building Fund.
Nursery Supervision: Today – Josephine
Next Sunday - Angie
November 18-24 is Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Boxes and literature are available downstairs. Bring your boxes to church and they will be taken to a collection point.
Coming Events
The Free Store will be open this Saturday as well as November 30, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed. Contact Val if you can help:
780-656-3532 or 780-838-4133.
Tuesday, December 3 – Ladies’ Christmas event. See poster below for details.
Quick Links
- Visiting?
- Youth
- Latest Sermon
- Our Blog
- Our Vision
- Latest News
- Donate Online
- FaceBookType in Smoky Lake Baptist
Of Note
Fundraising Campaign
Click Here to watch Campaign Video
Christmas Child
Christmas Child
The Year in Review - 2023
Click Here - Thanks to Marissa Lopez
Some students from the University of Lethbridge create a video conception of a flyover of the new church
- posted January 20, 2020 -be patient, download can take up to 6 minutes (file size 188MB) Very High Quality
- posted May 12, 2023 - download instantly (file size 34MB) Quality suitable for most purposes
- posted January 20, 2020 -be patient, download can take up to 6 minutes (file size 188MB) Very High Quality
- posted May 12, 2023 - download instantly (file size 34MB) Quality suitable for most purposes
"Is there more to life than this?"
click here for information on Alpha at our church
You can give a one-time or a recurring gift to First Baptist Church from this website using the services of CanadaHelps.orgl, just click on the icon directly below:
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Interac e-Transfer:
Please use your online or mobile banking service and specify e-Transfer to
admin@smokylakebaptist.ca |
Regularly Scheduled Worship Times:
- Wednesday Evenings at 7:00 PM - on Zoom only - suspended for the summer
- Sunday Morning at 11:00 AM - including Sunday School for the children. Service is also on Zoom
Info: Donna @ 780-636-3900
Church Family Notices
- Watch for postings of importance in this space
Building Project
Quote of the week