Currently being developed
Were you unable to make it to the Sunday service? Listen to the sermon right on your computer download it and take it with you. Did you want to dig a sermon from weeks ago, you'll find it right on the Website. Go to the Sermons page
Want a copy on CD of the audio of a sermon from a particular service? Go to our Contact Us Page to order one
Our Own Blog Site
Hey, take a look. It's a place where anyone can publish his or her own thoughts about something. Go ahead, and take a look. Leave a comment if you like. Go to the Blog page Of course, regular rules around use of explicit and/or abusive language will apply, and the Webmaster has exclusive rights to decide what is published.
If you would like to post an article but don't know anyone with access to the secure area, go to our Contact Us Page to submit one for consideration.
Photo Galleries
We're always looking for photographs relative to our church life. If you have some on a CD, DVD, flash drive or camera memory card, make arrangements at church to give them to Ross. He'll check them out and, in all likelihood, post them. Again, some sensible rules must apply. Go to the main galleries page and you'll see why we're looking for more photos.. There are some nice ones from the baptism at Hanmore Lake from last August. Look at the menu on the right side of the galleries page for a link.
More to come... The Webmaster has been playing around with posting videos. Go to the Videos page to see if anything has been posted recently.
Social Media for Churches
Actually, Pastor Keith and Ross are attending a short seminar in Edmonton in February on the topic of how churches can benefit by utilizing social media and smart phones. Here is a link to a United Methodist Website dealing with these topics.
Mobile Apps
Coming soon to a church near you! We're studying how to make that a reality for our church. Here is a link to dealing with this topic.
The sermon for Sunday, November 10, 2024 is posted . This and previous sermons can be played back from the Website.
This Week in Our Church
Today – Sunday School for ages 4 and older.
Nursery available for the little ones.
Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. – Bible Study at the church. Info: Donna @ 780-636-3900.
Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. – Midweek Service on Zoom.
Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – Alpha at the Whitelaws’. Also available on Zoom. Contact Ross at 780-656-3532 or 780-714-0472.
Please Also Note
The beautiful quilts that are on display downstairs are for sale. 50% of the proceeds will go to the Building Fund.
Nursery Supervision: Today – Josephine
Next Sunday - Angie
November 18-24 is Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Boxes and literature are available downstairs. Bring your boxes to church and they will be taken to a collection point.
Coming Events
The Free Store will be open this Saturday as well as November 30, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Volunteers are needed. Contact Val if you can help:
780-656-3532 or 780-838-4133.
Tuesday, December 3 – Ladies’ Christmas event. See poster below for details.