Our Beliefs

Our Purpose
The kingdom of God is here, and we are all invited to enter a revolutionary way of life that holds the only hope for His dying creation. Under God’s demanding care and His compassionate rule, justice, peace, and celebration thrive; restoration and healing abound; reconciliation with God overflows.
We enter this kingdom by turning from our rebellious sin that separates us from God, and entrusting our hearts to His Son Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit intently crafts Jesus’ character within us through our intimate relationship with God.
God makes known His redeeming gift, the life-giving grace offered through Jesus’ death on the cross, through us. The decision to follow Christ and accept His gift of salvation, allows us the privilege of entering into direct fellowship with our Mighty God.
Our church, therefore, is a place:
- where prayer is a way of life for all believers; where prayer is essential in building our intimate relationship with Christ; and where we, individually and corporately, seek God’s direction and strength to complete His calling in our lives.
- to belong without fear of betrayal, rejection, or loss.
- where true worship exists – where the heart, mind and soul of every believer is in love with Jesus Christ, where personal worship is a priority and corporate worship is awesome, meaningful, powerful, and done with excellence in the church.
- where believers are continuously growing in spiritual maturity, in love and grace toward each other.
- where gifted, passionate believers serve with all their hearts.
- where believers give freely and faithfully of their time and money.
- where authentic Christianity is defined by believers learning more (teachable), serving more (available), giving more (generous), committing more (faithful), telling more (evangelistic), and growing more (maturing).
Our Goal
Our goal is to provide a welcome and safe environment for everyone to enjoy friendly fellowship and uplifting music, and hear practical Bible-based messages that are relevant to our lives.
Our Mission Statement
It is the mission of the First Baptist Church to bring glory to God by loving Him and others through . . .
F – Fellowshipping with God’s people through commitment to each other;
A – Adoring our Savior and God through prayer, praise and worship;
I – Involving God’s people in serving Him and others by…
T – Training and equipping them through preaching, teaching, and discipleship; so that we might be…
H – Harvesting souls for God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven.
F. A. I. T. H.
North American Baptist Conference's ...
"Our Beliefs"
Baptists, since their beginnings, repeatedly have composed confessions, which expressed the doctrinal consensus among related churches. In principle, however, Baptists always have insisted that no statement of faith can be considered creedally binding even upon concurring congregations. The purpose of their doctrinal summaries was to explain to other Christians and to the larger society what Baptists believed and practiced. Within and among Baptist churches, statements of faith also provided a standard for instruction, counsel and fellowship.
We, as the North American Baptist Conference, presently feel the need to state more fully our Baptist understanding of the Christian faith.